Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Fall Plans

It's been a while since I've touched this blog. I've made a few very rough pencil sketches and tried playing around with different lens filters, but have not made any real substantial progress on my Conflict game idea. I'm a bit swamped at the moment, but I believe I can uphold a commitment to make weekly updates to this blog!

I guess for now I'll share my plans for the fall. I plan on having two playtesting sessions for the two games I plan on making, a board game and a digital alpha based on my interest on communication and diplomacy.

The two sessions are:
Board Game Playtest Session: October 30-31
Digital Alpha Playtest Session: December 11-12

Below is a calendar charting what part of the development process I'll be involved in when I check in, either through this blog (on Tuesdays) or at my advisor meetings
on Friday.

For this week I plan on generating a very simple crude paper mockup of the Conflict game idea I'd worked out. I am also going to do more research regarding lenses and color filters, and then post about that next week. Next week's post will be a bit more meaty, I promise, with photos and pictures and unwanted rambling-ons of minute gameplay details.